Sunday, November 21, 2010

We Know What You Want

The entirety of this blog entry is Not about My Space morphing into fubar, facebook and twitter it's how and why things like this happen and what you can do to change that.

At the bottom of these sorts of debacles are sexually repressed people that fear Conservatives, whom they mistake for God. These have us believe that God is a cruel superman that will ruin your life if you don't hate and punish nudity, blindly oppose communism and denounce all forms of fun in general. Their main weapon and tool is censorship. They merely obliterate any or all opposition or alternative to their own expression so that over time, their way, is the only way you know.

Another important aspect of this is the distinction between what is private and what is public because censorship in a public place is an unconstitutional abridgment of 1st Amendment rights; and if done by private individuals is generally a breach of the peace. If the Police come into aid the private person(s) then the action becomes subject to Federal court action under the 14th Amendment.

So Burger/Rehnquist along with former Justice Stevens invented a two prong approach for the annihilation of Federal Civil Rights cases rendering the 1st Amendment voluntary - e.g., if you say "but but but the 1st Amendment" !! and a member of the status quo Elite says "yes you're correct" then Free speech and expression is allowed. Otherwise, the presently Conservative owned Court system has a Borkian "intellectual feast" seeing who is the most clever in writing a reason to dismiss such case.

the 2nd prong is, "the kids", and that has been the most effective. Former Justice Stevens legislated that one from the bench in "FCC v Pacifica" (circa 1976) which essentially said that the Federal Judiciary has to allow the Federal government to exercise the power of censorship "to protect children" and this has been absolute bliss for the US Christian Democrats and the Nazi Republicans.

As a direct consequence of this - as Justice Brennan had pointed out - by creating a public which is only safe for children we have bred a society of people that act like children and demand censorship because their weak minds can't handle adult content or material. They have for all intents and purposes become retarded. Their children are actually more intellectual than they are. So censorship now becomes the way adults dumb down their children and destroy their minds and all intellectual potential by censoring reality from them. So in the Court creation of a society safe for children we no longer have a society where parents have the responsibility to take care of their own - blame it on the internet; consequently, what is left?

Consumerism !! Buy it at True Value Hardware store, 4 wheel it across the dessert, in your Jeep, pick up your Accura, call in on your cell, tune in Beyonce and buy Buy !!

Come on admit it, you know how guilty and pissed off you feel when you don't consume. You just have to ... because you don't know of anything else to do and your choices are severely limited.

So even though cumming is evil, nasty, horrible icky and awful, the natural lust and desire remains, so that nudity, the pleasure of nude flesh, carnal Love, the memory and fantasy thereof, orgasms all are sublimated with hate and violence - blow away that motherfucker on the new computer game, it's better than gang war ain ah? You have to consume, it is the US moral imperative. Consumption is your duty and nothing else is available.

But over time the Conservatives did finally admit that hate and violence cannot be sustained 24/7 and that Love shines through, but again this was attributed to an outside domination. They convinced you that this is not something within you, allowing you Free Will and choice. Some religions tell you that God is in some nether dimension that Jesus Christ is lingering about you let him in your heart and then that's the link to the outside domination. So they directed this idea into a belief that only God allows you to choose one person of the opposite sex to have orgasms with forever; where after, you are encouraged to breed to provide more consumption units, to take your place, when you die. Otherwise God will kick your ass.

How in the hell are Homos gonna do that - wow God's really gonna kick their ass, maybe he'll have Jesus do it !!

So you may Love your consumption units, erm, children but only for whatever sense of happiness you personally get out of it. If they displease you, then they must be punished. You may abuse them mentally but please don't make trouble for us by abusing them physically, others might see that and get suspicious and then we'll have to come over and kick your ass.

But here's the deal, being that God has allowed you to have these things, "to Love", in return you have to hate and despise everyone else, especially if they're naked, and most especially if they're naked in their own yard !!

Or in their own space. Lesson 1. "My Space" is not your space you are a person that occupies space on someone's server so that the numbers will impress advertisers who actually pay money for their space

In short, the Conservatives pretty much own your ass and control you primarily by fear and they have you believing that they can sick God on you too, you filthy commie whore; and all of the the rest of humanity that won't knuckle under and submit, refusing to sacrifice themselves as cheap labor, refusing to accept perpetual depredation under debt, those shall be threatened with conventional military force or nuclear annihilation - just like in all of those 'fun' attack games and applications you play with, in whatever 'free' time they allow to you. So come on knuckle under and submit join "America's Team" !! show the world how free you are ... kick their ass

So the chief characteristic of this form of tyrannical rule is to sublimate things in nature - e.g., nude flesh, orgasms, the use of naturally occurring substances by replacing them with things you feel compelled to buy with the choices limited to hate and violence - with sex and Love relegated to marriage.

Like God didn't intended a young boy to enjoy getting a hard on to fabulous Lovely naked girl, boobs, ass and pussy, or for that matter cock and just plain bare ass what that boy really wants are war games, a football, a pitbull.

So sex and Love are corralled into monogamous marriage and Freedom is directed into hate - primarily the hatred of naked people enjoying themselves. Boobs, cock, pussy ass, whatever, it's all sublimated with consumer durables like son/daughter you don't really want those awesome legs and gorgeous asses you want this cool customized hot rod instead; or honey, you don't really want that lovely cock and gorgeous set of balls O the skin looks so soft smooth and dreamy what you really want is a washing machine and dryer !! God made all of these consumer durables along with Mink stoles, Cadillac cars and the bright lights of Las Vegas for you to enjoy once you've married a doctor or lawyer; and men you still have a chance if you hate and hurt your neighbor and non family members of humanity enough you might win that bigger piece of the pie that will allow you to buy these things from God's appointed retailers.

And if not smear some make up on her, have some beers and pretend she's Brittney Spears ... or whoever

Now My Space is a God Fearing Conservative family oriented business doing it's fair share to promote the God intended and approved Conservative way of life so it's only natural that naked human flesh, especially if it is artfully presented, be banned censored, denounced, mutilated, destroyed, stoned.

Isn't it better to burn it than allow the children to see it. So it's in our vital National interest and only natural that Freedom of speech and expression are inimical to the consumption of superior manufactures made in China and anywhere else; to allow it would render Heterosexual prostitution and pornography obsolete.

So the South's gonna do it again, we're bringing back slavery, and this time we don't discriminate, we're just keeping some of it off shore ... in China. Besides, there are commercial pornographers to present sex and naked human flesh in a more violent and hateful manner as the only way you'll ever know it, which sexually repressed people can then purchase and perpetuate in practice, after all isn't it better to show Heterosexual porn, hair pulling, ass slapping than turning Billy into a Homo by showing men Loving each other naked.

So some of you are reading this saying yeah yeah and will send me emails pointing out other injustices and absurdities perpetrated and perpetuated as the will of God or whatever ... but what you have to do, instead, is stand up against these fanatical psychopathic nitwits and Not accept their precepts and tenets as normal. Do not give them credibility. Instead of allowing one of them to say - don't you think it's awful that a child will see naked flesh, just don't fucking agree with them !! make them give you a reasonable explanation why and how it's awful.

If their way is the right way, then what do they need censorship for. There way would just happen, like water, air , vegetables, cum

Is their God that much of a thorough fuck up that "he" just allows all of this 'awful shit' to just happen?

Try it and you'll soon see what it's really all about. They're nothing but a collection of movable card board cut outs with a mini micro audio chip repeating some 120 year old Conservative Mantra. They haven't a clue and you're the only one making them significant

So what you have here with My Space is merely a symptom of the foregoing disease known as Conservatism - viz., they are trying to find all sorts of bells and whistles to keep your mind off the beauty of the sky, nude flesh, the fun of cumming and they're doing this by replacing those things with consumer durable adverts and technological bullshit.

The only solution is the abolition of all censorship and just allow everything to evolve. Either you believe in nature and humanity or you oppose it, and those that oppose it are the cause of all of these bizarre diseases, cancers, mutations, psychopathy and truly all of the worst things we unnecessarily suffer. Conservatives have you believing in them instead of nature, humanity or even God and it will just keep getting worse, more insane, because it is you and me causing it to repeat over and over again, and mostly you are to blame due to your inaction. These things will get crazier, more violent and more diseased - as will the opposition that must meet and address it - until you allow us to just be free and let us have - some Space - to evolve.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Reply to on My Space - Edited

I agree with at least half of what you're saying but I don't completely agree with your theory.

When I joined My Space in November 2004 it already had 5 million members and I joined in order to hype my college radio show which was banned in 2006 by State University employee(s) and enforced by campus security all in violation of the 1st and 14th Amendments of the US Const, which all Federal Courts upheld.

The censorship aspect of your theory in conjunction with Rupert Murdoch is partially correct in that My Space did in fact lower the age from 18 to 13 in order to sell things and one of the first things they sold was music in exchange for how many pix you could have on your profile. Maybe they more diligently enforced anti-nudity after the membership age was lowered, but the anti-nudity policy was always there. For Example the following is my 1st picture My Space deleted


And as my status message indicates "Fascism cannot Exist w/out Snitches: no government is so powerful that it can patrol each person - the same is true for social networking"

But still a sort of "Indie" ambiance was present and thus the potential for it's development was there too, but it didn't happen.

The reason it didn't happen and the Deep Issue is a reflection of America - e.g., art is not the trip of the entrepreneur the latter is merely an exploiter of a trend - if he can sell the object depicting the trend to make money then art will be sold, otherwise it fails - o look this promotes traditional American values let's get Mitch McConell to help us sell it as art. And like all things of that nature - in the USA - the potential became tinctured with capitalist decadence - Catch 22 you can make art or try to sell it but if you're making it you don't have time to sell it ...

So we can thank Hugh Hefner for his support of the 1st Amendment but we have to evolve beyond nudity for respectable profitability and just approach it as a wonderful aspect of life.

For example I came onto My Space via the Susan Block show where some of her guests had My Space profiles. The difference of course is that these people along with others were essentially promoting themselves in the hope of monetary success, so in most cases, if they were doing anything that seemed outside the status quo, it was only a trend of the time - they were already a part of, or attempting to enter, "the industry"; and sadly that is the trend that prevailed - in other words there was never an artistic aesthetic that was actually developed or promoted on My Space it was always all about money and all about advertising - and without alternatives, we were dazzled and duped into the 'kindler and gentler' right wing $$s trip and forgot about the Left. And alas, this is America and regrettably what America is all about - viz., buying property and re-selling it or something from it.

The only solution to this problem is Free Speech and Freedom of Expression and the lack thereof is clearly the problem - but it is pandemic it is not relegated to My Space; what is relegated to My Space is the aggressive want to censor nudity. Neither the State nor Federal government can force them to do this it would violate the 1st and 14th Amendments and neither would advertisers want them to either because everyone enjoys nudity ...unless there is peer pressure to exoterically act otherwise - i.e., to exploit ignorance and fear for power and control - so it is as always a very small number of individuals that convince the majority to go along with it - it is Hitlerian and inherently Fascist in nature - and in order to annihilate this trend - we have to convince the masses that censorship is the reason their life is so boring and miserable, not the economy and not even the criminalization of drugs that are fun I mean who wants to be high around a gaggle of Nazi fascists or paranoid fundamentalists with Police whistles?

The best way to do that is to show them alternatives and not compromise with the status quo - e.g., you don't have to surrender your rights in order to be accepted